Monday April 22,  2024    Day 65
Vapor Pressure, Boiling and the Clausius-Clapeyron Equations

Textbook Readings:

11.5: Vaporization and Vapor Pressure

Course Lecture

11.3  pdf  Video    Vapor pressure and temperature

11.5  pdf  Video    Boiling

What is boiling? An Introduction

Vapor Pressure and Boiling


1.  Relate the ΔHvap to the relative strengths
     of intermolecular forces within the liquid.

2.  Use the
ΔHvap value to calculate the total
     heat required to convert liquid into
     gas at the boiling point temperature.

3.   Describe how  boiling bubbles are formed
      and what they're made of.

4.   Use the Claussius Claperon equation to
      determine boiling point temperatures
      given pressure and
ΔHvap values.

Calculating Boiling Point Temperature
Using Clausius Clapeyron Equation

Homework Problems

73.1   Equal volumes of water and acetone are placed in 50 mL beakers.  It's observed that the
          acetone disappears (evaporates) much faster.  What does this observation tell you about
          how water's intermolecular (cohesive) forces compare to acetone's?

73.2  How does a water boiling bubble form and what gas is found inside?
Explain why liquids that experience hydrogen bonding have higher boiling point temperatures
           than other liquids.
  ΔHvap has units of kJ/mol and tells us how much energy is required to vaporize 1 mol of
          the liquid.  Use the following
ΔHvap  values to list the compounds in order of increasing
          boiling point temperature.

                               H2O            40.7 kJ/mol
                               He               0.08 kJ/mol
CH4             16.0 kJ/mol
73.5   A 50.0 mL water sample is heated to 100 oC.  How much additional heat energy is
          required to completely vaporize the sample?

           Useful information for H2O:   Density =  1.00 g/mL    
ΔHvap     =    40.7 kJ/mol

73.6    How much heat energy is released when 1.50 grams of water vapor condenses?
           If the heat goes into warming a 75.0 gram iron block initially at 22.0 oC, what is the
           final temperature of the iron block?

Useful information for H2O:   Density =  1.00 g/mL     ΔHvap     =    40.7 kJ/mol
          Useful information for Fe   :   Specific Heat        =  0.450 J/goC

73.7   Use the Clausius Clapeyron equations to determine the boiling point temperature of
          benzene at a pressure of 445 torr.

          Useful information for benzene:  
ΔHvap     =    30.72  kJ/mol
                                                                   *Tboil       =     80.1 oC   at   1.00 atm  pressure

73.8    Methylamine is a liquid that has vapor presssure of 344 torr at -25.0oC
            The liquid's normal boiling point temperature is -6.4 oC.
ΔHvap for methylamine.

*  The boiling point temperature that's given at 1 atm pressure is known
as the "normal boiling point" temperature.

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73.1   Acetone is a more volatile liquid, meaning it will evaporate MUCH faster than water.
          The reason for this is that acetone's intermolecular forces are much weaker than the
          hydrogen bonded water molecules making it much easier for acetone molecules to escape
          liquid's surface and become gas phase molecules.

73.2   At 100 oC, the vapor pressure of water is equal to or slightly greater than the
          atomospheric pressure.  The  vapor's pressure is now capable of pushing back the atmosphere
          and "blowing up" a boiling bubble.  The bubble contains only water vapor.

73.3  Hydrogen bonding is a strong intermolecular force that keeps molecules from easily leaving
         the liquid to become a gas.  Therefore, it takes more heat energy and higher temperatures
         to give the liquid phase molecules enough kinetic energy to escape.

73.4   It requires less heat energy to vaporize liquids with low
ΔHvap  values. Thus, these liquids
         will boil at lower temperatures.  Consequently, the liquid that boils first will have the lowest
ΔHvap  value.

                Low boiling Point Temp.....     He .....   CH4 ..... H2O .......    Highest boiling point temp.

73.5   113 kJ of heat energy is required to vaporize the water sample.
73.6   3.3897 kJ heat released.  Fe block reaches a temperature of 122oC
73.7   Tb = 62.9oC @ 445 torr.  Note that this result is consistent with the idea that boiling point
                                                     temperatures are lower at lower atmospheric pressures.
ΔHvap  =  23.45  kJ/mol

Tuesday April 23, 2024      Day 66
Sublimation and Fusion: Calculations

Textbook Readings :

11.6: Sublimation and Fusion

Course Lecture

Heat of Fusion and
Heat of Vaporization Explained

Sublimation And Deposition
 (Chemistry Demonstration)


1. Explain, on a molecular level, what happens for each of the following processes: 
     i.  sublimation  ii. deposition    iii.  freezing (fusion)   iv.  melting

2.  Write chemical equations describing each of the processes listed above (1).

3.  Describe the temperature behavior during the fusion/melting process.

4.  Use
ΔHfus values to calculate the heat released/absorbed during the freezing/melting process.

Homework Problems

74.1  Write chemical equations that describe
          i.  ice melting       ii. water freezing         iii. ice subliming       iv.  water vapor depositing

74.2  When a solid melts or freezes, how does the temperature change.

74.3  As ice melts, the temperature stays constant at 0oC.  What does additional heat energy
         accomplish if the ice temperature doesn't change?

74.4   How much heat energy is required to convert a 100.0 g ice cube at 0oC into liquid
          water at 0oC?
     For H2O ...  ΔHfus   =  6.02 kJ/mol

74.5    How much heat energy is required to sublime 50.0 grams of carbon dioxide solid at it's
           sublimation temperature?

            Useful information:  CO2(s)     ⟶     CO2(g)          ΔHsub   =   26.1    kJ/mol

74.6   How much heat energy is involved in depositing 50.0 grams of CO2(s) from the gas phase?
           Is this heat absorbed or released in the process?

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74.1    i.     H2O(s)   →  
H2O(l)                      ii.   H2O(l)  →   H2O(s)      
   H2O(s)   →   H2O(g)                     iv.  H2O(g)   →   H2O(s)

74.2    Okay, this is important.  During the melting or freezing process, the temperature doesn't
           change.  This is a bit strange since in the past we've always associated heat loss/gain
           with temperature changes.  However, in the case of phase changes (freezing/melting or
           vaporizing/condensing), the heat lost or gained goes into making or breaking
           intermolecular forces; not into temperature changes. 
           Short story:  until a phase change has been completed, the temperature won't change.

74.3    If the ice is at 0oC, it is on the verge of melting.  Additional heat energy doesn't increase
           the temperature of the ice.  Rather, the heat energy breaks "hydrogen bonds" allowing
           the water molecules to break free from their crystal lattice locations.

74.4    33.4 kJ

74.5    29.7 kJ

74.6   This is exactly the reverse of the process in problem 74.5 (Note sign change on
ΔH) :

                In other words 
CO2(g)     ⟶   CO2(s)     ΔHdep   =   -26.1    kJ/mol

           Thus, the calculated heat would be - 29.7 kJ corresponding to the release of this
           amount of heat energy.

Wednesday April 24, 2024    Day 67
Heating Curves and Calculations

Textbook Reading

11.7: Heating Curve for Water

Course Lectures

11.2  pdf  Video   Heat Calculations


1. Calculate the heat absorbed or released
    at all points on a heating curve.

2.  Determine the total heat lost or gained
      for a multi-step heating/cooling process.
Heating Curves Tutorial: How to Calculate enthalpy changes in Heating & Cooling*

Homework Problems

75.1   Referring to the diagram at right:

      a.  Calculate the heat  energy  required to
           increase  the temperature of 50.0 grams
           of water from 20.00oC to 100.00oC.

      b. Calculate the heat energy required to
          vaporize 50.0 grams of water at 100.00oC
          to steam at 100.00oC?

heating curve example
      c. Calculate the heat  energy  required to  increase  the temperature of  50.0 grams of steam
100.00oC to 120.00oC?

     d. What is the total amount of heat required to convert 50 grams of water at 20.00oC into steam
          at 120.00oC?

75.2   How many joules (J) of heat energy are released when 6.80x103g of steam at 100.0°C is
          completely converted to solid ice at 0.0°C?

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75.1    a.  q = m c Δ T = (50.0 g)   (4.184 J/goC)   (100.00oC - 20.00oC)           = 16736 Joules
           b.  q = n ΔHv   = (50.0g/18.01g/mol)          (40.7 kJ/mol)                        = 112.99 kJ
           c.  q = m c Δ T = (50.0 g)    (1.84 J/goC)    (120.00oC - 100.00oC)          = 1840. Joules
           d.  131.6 kJ

75.2    2.05 x 107 Joules

Thursday April 25, 2024    Day 68
Phase Diagrams

Textbook Readings

11.8: Phase Diagrams

Course Lectures

11.4  pdf  Video    Phase Diagrams
11.4 Phase Diagrams

Phase Changes, Heats of Fusion and Vaporization, and Phase Diagrams

Homework Problems

Refer to the phase diagram at right when
answering  questions 76.1 - 76.6

76.1 What are the physcal states corresponding
             to regions i.  , ii.  , iii.   and iv.

76.2   What is carbon dioxide's physical state
           at room temperature (~23oC) and
           atmospheric pressure (1 atm)?

CO2 Phase Diagram
76.3  What it the meaning of the "triple point" and what is the temperature and pressure
         corresponding to CO2's triple point?

76.4  What is the physcial state of CO2  at a pressure of 80 atm and a temperature of  40oC?

76.5  A CO2 sample at a pressure of 60 atm and a temperature of  -20oC is warmed to a
         temperature of 40oC while keeping the  pressure constant. 
         What is the order of phase changes that occur along this path?

76.6  Consider a CO2 sample at 140 atm and   -58oC.    If the pressure is gradually decreased  to
          0.1 atm, what phase changes are observed?

76.7  What is a supercritical fluid?

76.8  Examine water's phase diagram available here.  What phase changes occur as
         you go from point A to point B.  What is so unusual about the order of these phase changes?

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76.1    i. Solid        ii. Liquid        iii. Gas        iv. Supercritical fluid

76.2   Click here:  Gas

76.3  Click here: The triple point is that set of conditions that CO2 can exist simultaneously as a solid,
         liquid and gas.       For CO2, this corresponds to T = -56.57 oC and P = 5.11 atm.

76.4  Click here:  Supercritical Fluid

76.5   Click here:  Liquid -> gas

76.6. Click here: Decreasing the pressure eventually leads to the solid converting into a liquid. 
         Finally, the liquid changes into a gas.
76.7. A supercritical fluid exists at pressures and temperatures where liquid and gas phases become
         indistinguishable.  View this video link for more information on supercritical fluids. 

76.8   As pressure is increased, the density of the material must increase.
          This water system begins as a gas.  As pressure is increased, the gas is converted into a solid.
          As even more pressure is applied, the solid is converted into a liquid.
          In other words, solid water (a.k.a. ice) is more dense than water vapor.  However,
          ice is less dense than liquid water.

          For most materials, the solid phase is the most dense.  However, in the case of water, the
          liquid phase is the most dense!

Friday April 26, 2024    Day 69
WATER!  A Unique Substance!

Textbook Readings

11.9: Water - An Extraordinary Substance

Course Lectures

11.9  pdf  Video    Water; a unique substance

1. Identify water's unique characteristics
     and give examples of each.
Water - Liquid Awesome: Crash Course Biology #2

Homework Problems

77.1  What's so special about water?

77.2  Water is a very polar solvent and therefore best dissolves polar solutes.  Which of the following
          would not dissolve well in water?
           a.  CO2         b.  O2         c.  K2SO4      d.  CH3OH      e.  KCl       f.  HNO3      g. AgCl 

77.3   The density of solid water  (a.k.a. ice) is less than that of liquid water.   Why is this and
           why is it important in nature?

77.4  Local large bodies of water help control the temperatures of areas around
         them.  How is this possible?

77.5  Why do you feel cooler when sweat evaporates?

77.6  When diluting strong acids with water, the process is exothermic and generates a lot of heat.
          Consequently, the rule is to ALWAYS add the acid to water and NOT add water to strong acid.

           Why is this?  (Specific heats:  c H2O = 4.184 J/goC       c H2SO4 = 1.34

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77.1        Water molecules form strong hydrogen bonds
                Liquid water is very cohesive.
                Water is the only substance known to exist in all 3 forms (solid, liquid and gas) naturally
                on the surface of the earth.  
                Water is a polar solvent and dissolves ionic substances easily.  It is an "Amazing Solvent!"
                Water has a very high specific heat.

CO2   &    O2       are non-polar molecules and don't dissolve well in water.
           AgCl   is insoluble (think solubility rules) and doesn't dissolve well in water. 

77.3    Unlike most substances, the density of solid water (a.k.a. ice) is LESS than the density
               of liquid water.  Consequently ice floats.  We observe this  when as ice cubes floating
               in a drink.  Also, forms and floats on the top of a lake while the majority of the lake
               is now insulated and stays liquid (Fish are very thankful!).

               The spacing between molecules for ice is GREATER than the spacing between molecules
               for liquid water.     Because ice contains more empty space, it is less dense.

77.4  Water has a high heat capacity.  This means it can absorb a lot of heat energy without
              significantly changing its temperature.  With so much heat stored in the neighboring
              water,  less is available to heat the surroundings.

77.5  As water evaporates (an endothermic process), hydrogen bonds are broken and this
               energy is removed.  Removing energy lowers the temperature of the skin.  This is
               especially significant because of water's high

77.6  Diluting acids produces a lot of heat and so to avoid possible (& dangerous) boil-overs, we
         want to minimize the temperature change that takes place.  Water has an especially high
         specific heat in comparison to other liquids and this means it can absorb a lot of heat and
         only experience a modest change in temperature.  So, adding acid to water let's the water
         absorb most of the heat and keeps the temperature under control.


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April 16 Grades
(Excel Required)
Zoom Office Hours
Wed 11:00 AM  - 1:00 PM   PW: Chemistry
Also 30 minutes before lab in lobby

ASC Tutoring
Room S-2420      W  2 - 3 PM      Th  12 - 1 PM

1:1 tutoring through Navigate, in person at ASC front desk,
Email or call 612-659-6140

Last day to withdraw is April 16

D2L Quiz list


Week 1   Week 2

Week 3   Week 4

Week 5   Week 6

Week 7   Week 8

Week 9   Week 10

Week 11  Week 12

Week 13   Week 14

Week 15   Week 16

Your Exams
ROOM S-2200

Exam #1         March 11
Exam #2          April 29 
Final Exam        May 6 

Sample Exams

Exam #1  Fall  2023
Exam #2  Fall   2023

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***Note:  Being ready for lab means having the lab notebook completely prepared. 
The lab procedure must be secured in your notebook before walking through the door.
I will not be supplying tape, scissors, etc. beforehand.
Students who aren't prepared (I'm checking) will not perform the activity.
Lab Reports:
   File type: PDF    File name:   Your_Name_Experiment Name.PDF
